Branding: What, Who, and Why

Branding: What, Who, and Why

I love the harmony and like-mindedness that comes from team. Don’t you? Although I still may be considered new to the ISM team, I have worked closely with my husband, Shawn, regarding all things books for more than 30 years. Although Shawn and I mesh well, our approach to any given situation is often polar opposite—especially when it comes to author coaching.

My tendency is usually to take a friendly, let’s-have-fun-getting-to-know-each-other approach. While Shawn’s tends to be more reactive, responding from his sharp mind’s quick-processing and crazy creativeness. Our mutual goal is always the same—to help.

Shawn’s known for his mind-to-mouth thoughts. He’s been accused of having no filter because of how quickly he can think, respond, and get straight to the heart of the matter. I admire the way he rapidly processes ideas in real time and provides solutions and concepts that could take me days of pondering.

A close friend of Shawn’s has coined his unfiltered wisdom as “Shawn-isms.” When it appears Shawn may have missed the sensitivity mark, another friend has coined the phrase “Shawn-sitive, meaning he could have used a more tactful way of delivering his thought, idea, or concept. If you’ve ever had a conversation with Shawn, you know what I’m talking about.

A few years back, I overheard Shawn on a strategy call with one of our SuzyQ (now Brookstone Creative Group) clients. Though I personally make most calls on speaker, Shawn mostly takes calls through headphones. I could only hear Shawn’s side of the conversation, and this is what I heard.“

So, what?” Long pause. “Who cares?” Long pause. “Why you?”

Shawn’s tone was very direct and matter of fact. I was in a panic, cringing while I eavesdropped. I was dying a thousand deaths thinking, he has just shocked and offended our client.

I was certain this was a bridge too far and SuzyQ was done for. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Our client was openly receptive to Shawn’s insight. She was confronted for the first time with crucial questions she had never asked herself.

I, too, learned something valuable that day. Whether writing or speaking, it’s imperative we answer the following questions related to our specific audience engagement.

So What?

Is there a felt-need you are able to address? If there’s no felt-need, your perspective in addressing your topic, storyline, or cause won’t be embraced. The onus is on you to identify the felt-need you are able to speak to through your content.

Who Cares?

Who is the audience with this felt-need? Are there specific people groups, businesses, ministries, or organizations who will find hope, healing, direction, entertainment, or purpose from your content? Who are they? (Hint: Your audience is not everyone. And your audience shouldn’t be mostly comprised of other authors.)

Why You?

What uniquely qualifies you to speak into this topic? Do you have experience? Do you have a degree? Do you have a passion? What distinguishes you from anyone else who may want to speak into the same space?

Consider the timeless wisdom of Piglet.

“The things that make me different are the things that make ME.” –Piglet, Winnie the Pooh
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